Running the Medical Maze: Making the Best of a Badly Broken System.
This book is a practical guide for healthcare consumers in the United States. It transcends criticism of our broken medical system and focuses on practical advice to patients facing barriers to getting the medical care they need. The authors leverage their professional knowledge for the maximum benefit of patients. Their advice is organized for maximum utility. It outlines the best approach to self-advocacy and is designed to be useful for families/caregivers equally frustrated with the medical system.
The book will be of particular interest to those with complex medical conditions. Such illnesses are often either difficult to diagnose or have been misdiagnosed. Included in the analysis are at-risk populations, like underrepresented minorities, the elderly, and LGBTQIA+.
Also covered are the 68 million people in the United States with complex, chronic, or multiple diseases. These people are some of the worst served by the medical system while providing guidance on how superior patient outcomes can be achieved by improving interactions with a broken system is a unique perspective. Other books in this arena take the perspective of trying to fix the flaws in the system, which will take a long time. Patients are suffering now. This book can improve their outcomes now.