
Dr. Rami Saydjari, MD, FACS, MBA, is a general surgeon certified by the American Board of Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He also obtained a healthcare physician executive MBA and has worked extensively as both a general surgeon and a healthcare administrator in various roles. Although now retired from clinical practice, he continues to remain active in medical, political, and social justice arenas online. He is currently working on a book of essays with his brothers Razi and Sami relating to his family history. For more information, visit his family website.
In addition, Dr. Saydjari is co-authoring a book with his brother, O. Sami Saydjari, with a working title Running the Medical Maze, which is in the final phases of editing prior to publication. For more information, see the book’s website at Running the Medical Maze
Dr. Saydjari was recently Interviewed on Perspectives in Healthcare: Website YouTube

Research Scholar of the Ronin Institute

Rami Saydjari on ResearchGate

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